Sunday, March 8, 2009

The End!

Good times, I feel lighter and my face has a nice two-tone quality!

The big shave

I did mine differently than Brian. Happy with the checkerboard on one cheek, not so happy with the turnout on the ligtening bolt on the other cheek. I liked the ultra phat goatee and liked the superbad handlebar 'stache at the end.

Big props to Brian for the contest. Regardless of the outcome I'm real proud of your follicle growth abilities. I was there in the beginning when you could sleep in before classes since you never had to shave. Hope everyone else had fun keeping up with the blog!

Final Measurment Before the Big Shave

As if I need an extra 4 days from Brian's final measurement...

this is the best I could do w/out having an enginerd digital scale. My finger is on the 2 inch line and I clearly have a beard hair pulled down there. Again, best I could do. It's not like Brian's measurement pic prove dthe existence of sasquatch, loch ness, or UFOs...

Final Design 4

Final Design 3

Final Design 2

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Some final pics


Well, it finally happened...

my beard has evolved...I knew I was letting it get out of control, too much growth, and too much ego when compared to Brian's wanky beard. Genie's out of the bottle now. Shaving day is not a question of winning (as if there was any question) anymore, but about morality. Quite the ethical conundrum...

Hmm, I guess I'll try to get a measurement post in soon. If my beard will let me. Don't have an electronic measurement device though like some cool enginerds...

Week 13 - Sweet

I know there is no way Jay can beat me in this category.  My beard is LONG and I've got the digital measurement to prove it.  It's 1.818 inches after just over 3 months.  That's sweet.

I'm going to be sad to see this thing go.  Honestly, 10 years ago I never would have guessed that I would be where I am today.  It's been an honor to beat the person I looked up to freshman year of college when I was still borrowing an old electric razor from my Dad.

This is my last post before I start to shave it off this weekend.  It's been fun showing Jason up on the blog posts.  His out of focus closeups are just ploy to keep from showing the real detail, or lack thereof, in his beard.  Super lame.  I can't wait to wear the trophy with pride.